Shorts Pattern for the Next Post

Hello everyone! Today’s tip is a basic shorts pattern, which will continue in the next post. To keep it from being too long, I decided to divide it into two parts: the step-by-step for the base pattern and the step-by-step for the design.

To create the pattern, I drew a vertical line with the desired length, in this case, 36 cm, and a horizontal line of the hip measurement divided by 4 minus 0.5 cm.

For the crotch height, I divided the hip measurement by 4 and added 5 cm, then drew a line from this measurement with the hip divided by 4.

Above the crotch line, I marked the hip measurement divided by 10 minus 1.5 cm.

For the front crotch, I divided the hip measurement by 20.

I marked 1.5 cm down and then the waist measurement plus 2 cm for the dart, connecting from the hip line to the crotch line diagonally.

I marked the middle of the line connecting the hip to the crotch line, went out 1 cm to the side, and drew from the waist to this 1 cm as shown in the image below.

I drew the curve of the crotch as shown in the image below, passing through the middle of the line drawn.

Mark the center and draw the grainline straight, ignoring the diagonal line from the waist to the crotch.

Draw the dart on the grainline; for smaller sizes, use 13 cm, and for larger sizes, use 15 cm.

And the front pattern is ready.

On top of the front base, I drew the back base. I went up 2.5 cm above the front base, and at the end of the rectangle of the front base, I marked the waist measurement divided by 4 plus 3 cm for the dart. On the front crotch line, I lowered 0.5 cm (this can also be 0.3 cm), and in the same direction as the front crotch, I drew the back crotch line, which is the hip measurement divided by 10. I gave a distance of 3 cm and connected from the waist to the hem as well.

I connected from the crotch line to the hip and drew the dart in the middle of the waist with a height of 15 cm.

I marked the middle of the line.

I traced a line in the middle and drew the curve of the crotch.

Remember to adjust the length of the pattern; check the measurement of the front and correct the back pattern to match.

In the next post, we’ll use this base to create the final shorts pattern. See you then!

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